ALLCOLOR, 1992 by Douglas Reedy ALLCOLOR is a utility to view entries in POV COLORS.INC include file. Syntax: ALLCOLOR [d:pathname\filename] [COLORS.INC] default If COLORS.INC exists in the current directory, simply execute ALLCOLOR. If COLORS.INC is elsewhere, provide the absolute pathname, ie: ALLCOLOR C:\POVRAY\INCLUDE\COLORS.INC If ALLCOLOR can see your COLORS.INC file, it will load and parse each RGB entry to produce the proper color on the screen in a tiled 16x16 matrix. If more than 256 color entries are found in your COLORS.INC file, ALLCOLOR will pause to allow you to work with them. Press ESC to continue reading COLORS.INC. Use the arrow keys to move among the colors and see their RGBA values. Press ENTER to paint the color currently highlighted into the sample box at the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Press ESC to exit ALLCOLOR. Enjoy! Please send comments/questions to me on the Internet: Douglas Reedy